Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Ramp Weights from Brave Rabbit !

    Ingo Clemens ( Brave Rabbit) has been putting out amazing tools for some time.. I'm sure some of you have used his "shapes" plugin, which is fantastic. 
 He recently released a new tool to handle blendshapes , that uses a Ramp to control the weighing of the targets.
 Not only does it look amazing, but it is also "free" ! 


rampWeights - Split deformer weights from brave rabbit on Vimeo.

From Ingo's vimeo page:

Node for Autodesk Maya to control blend shape weights or weighted deformers with an axis based ramp for various effects.

Download rampWeights here:

The ramp weights node gives fast access to splitting blend shape targets or weighted deformers along any axis.

The split can be controlled by a number of attributes defining the split width and position which even can be used for animation effects. Each ramp weights node allows for controlling any number of deformers. The resulting deformer weights can be inverted, either globally or individually per output. For advanced control it's possible to create a placement node or even use a custom control to refine the split.

When disconnecting the ramp weights node from a deformer or even deleting it you can choose between keeping the generated weights or discard them.

The ramp weights node also has a couple of presets to create centered or mirrored results which cater for a greater variety of effects.

The open source release of the plug-in is mainly to give people easier access to the node without having to fully commit to using the blend shape editor SHAPES.

The rampWeights node is also part of the SHAPES plug-in, our advanced blend shape editor for Maya. If you have the SHAPES Blend Shape Editor installed it's not necessary to download this newer version of the plug-in.

rampWeights is under the terms of the MIT License

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