Friday, January 11, 2019

A deeper look into the polyRemesh & polyRetopo commands in Maya

A well done overview and real world use case of Maya's new polyRemesh and polyRetopo, be sure to stay till the end for the "bonus" material of ensuring symmetry with the tools.

From what I can tell, the two commands are still just in their infancy stages and that is why they don't have full blown UIs to go along with them, aren't in any menu sets, and are not available on Mac OS.

The polyRemesh tool is a simple remesher of your geo.. and is mostly guessing at what you want the results to be in a uniform triangularized surface.. Not exactly clean for DCC use. The polyRetopo command is a very simple retopo 
of your model, attempting to give a decent re topo based on edges and curvature. 
 Just FYI,  you can run the polyRetopo without reMesher, but you tend to get cleaner results reMeshing first. 

also, the "custom script" is probably just using the poly selection tools under Select | Use Constraints  which is a pretty confusing UI. but very powerful.

and the end result tends to come from the polySelectConstraint command.
ie:  polySelectConstraint -m 3 -t 0x8000 -sm 1 ;

I've never seen any other videos from PlayCreative, and this appears to be the only one visible so far.. but if the rest are as informative as this,, I think it would be worth subscribing


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