Monday, September 10, 2018

Path Finder from Felipe de Jesus

Pretty interesting tools from Felipe de Jesus. 
Path finder is a tool to help with retargeting your animation to follow along a curve. At first glance it seems easy enough, but in the demo I like that this tool has functionality to keep the feet from slipping, as well as a nice bank control. 
  What I'm curious about, is how it controls the rig, if it's constraining on top of the controls? or it it needs to inject a parent over them for added offset animation. It does appear to be baking the animation out, so my guess would be it converts the animation to world space, and then constrains those controls to the baked animation.. 
 Since this tool works on any rig, it looks of it it uses a loaded selection for which controls to "control" , and which ones to "control, but ignore banking" .. but I'm not sure. 
 but for $50 it may be something worth adding to your toolkit 

Pathfinder Home Edition from Felipe de Jesus on Vimeo.

The second tool Felipe has posted is his "water jet rig" . Which looks to be a water sim that has been cached and then sent thru a spline rig..I've done this a lot in commercial work, as it's a great way to affect a water sim, which takes  a long time, and be able to tweak it quickly to fit your needs..  Great idea to make one and sell it to the public.

WaterJet Rig from Felipe de Jesus on Vimeo.

Both these tools were released recently, so my guess would be there are more to come. If anyone out there tries these out, I'd be interested in their feedback


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