I want to get the numbers up, so please feel free to inform your friends and colleagues about this group, and if you have any comments, questions , suggestions please let me know. Let me know what you want to see or learn, or do. If you want to present, or know someone who does, I'd love to hear about it. I've got a few people who want to present at the next meeting, and we may be doing it as early as late May. so stay tuned......
special thanks go out to Tim Doolen, Brian Kehrer, Emily Compton, and Michael Gambino of MUSE GAMES, be sure to go to their site and blog and see more about the making of their games! http://musegames.com/news/
Jep Hill of J3P
Lee Fraser of Autodesk
Mike from foundry, Hopefully Vic will make good use of Mari, and let us all know how awesome it is.
and I would like to make a special Thanks to Steve Strong of Ocean Digital for providing the wonderful space, technical support, monitors, food and Beer.

I'll post some pics of the event here as well, ( I took em with the blackberry, so not really the best quality, but you get the idea)

I'll also try and post on this blog anything that comes up of interest. so if you want to follow ( hint hint) it will motivate me to post more.
thanks and see you next time.
stephen mann